Andrew S. Gordon
The Institute for Creative Technologies
The University of Southern California
12015 Waterfront Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536
tel 310-574-5700
fax 310-574-5725
email gordon@ict.usc.edu
Andrew S. Gordon is a Research Associate Professor of Computer Science and Director of Interactive Narrative Research at the Institute for Creative Technologies at the University of Southern California. His research advances technologies for automatically analyzing and generating narrative interpretations of time-series data. A central aim of his research is the large-scale formalization of commonsense knowledge, and reasoning with these formalizations using logical abduction. He is the author of the 2004 book "Strategy Representation: An Analysis of Planning Knowledge," and the 2017 book "A Formal Theory of Commonsense Psychology: How People Think People Think" (with Jerry R. Hobbs). He received his Ph.D. in 1999 from Northwestern University.
- Books
- A Formal Theory of Commonsense Psychology: How People Think People Think (2017)
- Strategy Representation: An Analysis of Planning Knowledge (2004)
- Students
- Melissa Roemmele, PhD (2018)
- Christopher Wienberg, PhD (2017)
- Reid Swanson, PhD (2010)
- Notable
- Open-source software
- Choice of Plausible Alternatives
- Large-scale story corpora
- Commonsense activities and Commonsense psychology
- Solve interpretation problems with Etcetera Abduction
- Press coverage
Roemmele, M., and Gordon, A. (2024) From Test-Taking to Test-Making: Examining LLM Authoring of Commonsense Assessment Items. The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, November 12-16, 2024, Miami, FL. pdf
Kumar, P., Gordon, A., and Raglin, A. (2024) Abductive Reasoning for Supporting Uncertainty of Information based Decision-Making with the Enhanced Tactical Inferencing Framework (Abstract). 92nd Military Operations Research Symposium, June 24-27, 2024, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA.
Chemburkar, A., Feng, A., and Gordon, A. (2024) Evaluating Vision-Language Models on the TriangleCOPA Benchmark (Poster). Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society, May 19-21, 2024, Miramar Beach, FL. pdf
Gordon, A., and Feng, A. (2024) Combining the Predictions of Out-of-Domain Classifiers Using Etcetera Abduction. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Conference on Information Systems and Sciences (CISS-2024), March 13-15, 2024, Princeton, NJ. pdf
Wang, T., and Gordon, A. (2023) Playing Story Creation Games With Large Language Models: Experiments With GPT-3.5. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Interactive Storytelling, November 11-15, 2023, Kobe Japan. pdf
Gordon, A., and Feng, A. (2023) Searching for the Most Probable Combination of Class Labels Using Etcetera Abduction. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS-2023), March 22-24, 2023, Baltimore, MD. pdf
Hartholt, A., Fast, E., Leeds, A., Kim, K., Gordon, A., McCullough, K., Ustun, V., and Mozgai, S. (2022) Demonstrating the Rapid Integration & Development Environment (RIDE): Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA) and Multiagent Capabilities (Demo track). Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-22), May 9-13, 2022, Auckland, NZ. pdf
Gordon, A., and Wang, T. (2021) Narrative Text Generation from Abductive Interpretations Using Axiom-Specific Templates. In A. Mitchell and M. Vosmeer (Eds.) Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2021 Tallinn, Estonia, December 7–10, 2021, pp. 71-79. pdf
Hartholt, A., McCullough, K., Fast, E., Leeds, A., Mozgai, S., Aris, T., Ustun, V., Gordon, A., and McGroarty, C. (2021) Rapid Prototyping for Simulation and Training with the Rapid Integration & Development Environment (RIDE) Proceedings of the 2021 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), November 29-December 3, 2021, Orlando, FL. pdf
Schuster, B., Fraser, D., van den Bosch, J., Sowden, S., Gordon, A., Huh, D., and Cook, J. (2021) Kinematics and Observer-Animator Kinematic Similarity Predict Mental State Attribution from Heider-Simmel Style Animations. Scientific Reports 11, 18266 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-97660-2
Harthold, A., McCullough, K., Fast, E., Reilly, A., Leeds, A., Mozgai, S., Ustun, V., & Gordon, A. (2021) Introducing RIDE: Lowering the Barrier of Entry to Simulation and Training through the Rapid Integration & Development Environment. Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization, Virtual Simulation Innovation Workshop (SIW), February 8-12, 2021, online. Best paper award, System Lifecycle and Technologies (SLT) Track. pdf
Feng, A., and Gordon, A. (2020) A Framework for Action Detection in Virtual Training Simulations using Synthetic Training Data. Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference, November 30-December 4, 2020, in Orlando, FL. pdf
Gordon, A., Miller, R., Morgenstern, L., Turan, G. (2020) Preface. Special Issue on Commonsense Reasoning, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, September 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10472-020-09711-5
Feng, A., and Gordon, A., (2020) Recognizing Multiplayer Behaviors Using Synthetic Training Data. 2020 IEEE Conference on Games, Online, August 24-27, 2020. pdf
Schuster, B., Fraser, D., Sowden, S., Van den Bosch, J., Gordon, A., and Cook, J. (2020). Attributing Minds to Triangles: Kinematics are Key for the Correct Attribution of Mental States in the Animations Task. Online Meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society, July 2, 2020. pdf
Schuster, B., Fraser, D., Sowden, S., Van den Bosch, J., Gordon, A., and Cook, J. (2020) Beyond Kinematics: Predictors of Performance in Heider-Simmel Style Animations (poster). 2020 Meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society, January 8-10, 2020, London UK. pdf
Feng, A., and Gordon, A. (2019) Latent Terrain Representations for Trajectory Prediction. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSpatial International Workshop on Computing with Multifaceted Movement Data (MOVE++ 2019), November 5, 2019, Chicago, IL. pdf
Shree, J., Liu, E., Gordon, A., and Hobbs, J. (2019) Deep Natural Language Understanding of News Text. NAACL-2019 Workshop on Narrative Understanding, June 7, 2019, Minneapolis, MN. pdf
Gordon, Andrew S. (2018) Interpretation of the Heider-Simmel Film Using Incremental Etcetera Abduction. Advances in Cognitive Systems 7 (2018), pp. 23-38. pdf
Gordon, A. and Spierling, U. (2018) Playing Story Creation Games With Logical Abduction. Eleventh International Conference for Interactive Digital Storytelling, December 5-8, 2018, Dublin, Ireland. pdf
Roemmele, M. and Gordon, A. (2018) An Encoder-decoder Approach to Predicting Causal Relations in Stories. Storytelling Workshop at the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL 2018), New Orleans, LA, June 5, 2018. pdf
Roemmele, M. and Gordon, A. (2018) Linguistic Features of Helpfulness in Automated Support for Creative Writing. Storytelling Workshop at the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL 2018), New Orleans, LA, June 5, 2018. pdf
Weber, R., Mangus, M., Huskey, R., Hopp, F., Amir, O., Swanson, R., Gordon, A., Khooshabeh, P., Hahn, L., and Tamborini, R. (2018) Extracting Latent Moral Information from Text Narratives: Relevance, Challenges, and Solutions. Communication Methods and Measures 12(2-3):119-139, doi: 10.1080/19312458.2018.1447656 online
Gonzalez, D. and Gordon, A. (2018) Comparing Speech and Text Input in Interactive Narratives. Proceedings of ACM Intelligent User Interfaces, March 7-11, 2018, Tokyo, Japan. pdf
Roemmele, M., and Gordon, A. (2018) Automated Assistance for Creative Writing with an RNN Language Model (Demo), Proceedings of ACM Intelligent User Interfaces, March 7-11, 2018, Tokyo, Japan. pdf
Gordon, A. and Hobbs, J. (2017) A Formal Theory of Commonsense Psychology: How People Think People Think. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. info
Gordon, A., Miller, R., and Turán, G. (eds.) (2017) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense-2017), London, UK, November 6-8, 2017, CEUR-WS.org, online http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2052/
Roemmele, M. and Gordon, A. (2017) Lexical Preferences in an Automated Story Writing System. The Thirty-first Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design, December 8, 2017, Long Beach, CA. pdf
Swanson, R., Gordon, A., Khooshabeh, P., Sagae, K., Huskey, R., Mangus, M., Amir, O., and Weber, R. (2017) An Empirical Analysis of Subjectivity and Narrative Levels in Weblog Storytelling Across Cultures. Discourse & Dialogue Vol 8, No 2 (2017):105-128. pdf
Dehghani, M., Boghrati, R., Man, K., Hoover, J., Gimbel, S., Vaswani, A., Zevin, J., Immordino-Yang, M., Gordon, A., Damasio, A. and Kaplan, J. (2017) Decoding the neural representation of story meanings across languages. Human Brain Mapping Vol 38, No 12 (December 2017):6096-6106. doi:10.1002/hbm.23814 online
Hopp, F., Fisher, J., Mangus, J. M., Huskey, R., Swanson, R., Gordon, A., Khooshabeh, P., and Weber, R. (2017) Examining Online News Reporting Using the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions. 103rd Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, November 16-19, 2017, Dallas, TX.
Cychosz, M., Gordon, A., Odimegwu, O., Connolly, O., Bellassai, J., Roemmele, M. (2017) Effective Scenario Designs for Free-text Interactive Fiction. 10th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, November 14-17, Funchal Madeira, Portugal. pdf
Treanor, M., Warren, N., Reed, M., Smith, A., Ortiz, P., Coney, L., Sherman, L., Carré, E., Vivatvisha, N., Harrell, D., Mardo, P., Gordon, A., Dormans, J., Robison, B., Gomez, S., Heck, S., Wright, L., & Soule, T. (2017). Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2017. Proceedings of the 2017 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE-2017), October 5-9, 2017, Snowbird, Utah. pdf
Bellassai, J., Gordon, A., Roemmele, M., Cychosz, M., Odimegwu, O., and Connolly, O. (2017) Unsupervised Text Classification for Natural Language Interactive Narratives. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT10), October 5-6, 2017, Snowbird, Utah. pdf
Prasad, K., Briët, K., Odimegwu, O., Connolly, O., Gonzalez, D., and Gordon, A. (2017) "The Long Walk" From Linear Film to Interactive Narrative. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT10), October 5-6, 2017, Snowbird, Utah. pdf
Roemmele, M., Gordon, A., and Swanson, R. (2017) Evaluating Story Generation Systems Using Automated Linguistic Analyses. SIGKDD-2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity, August 14, 2017, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. pdf
Roemmele, M., Mardo, P., and Gordon, A. (2017) Natural-language Interactive Narratives in Imaginal Exposure Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology Workshop (CLPsych) collocated with the 2017 Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), August 3, 2017, Vancouver Canada. pdf
Amir, O., Huskey, R., Mangus, J.M., Swanson, R., Gordon, A., Khooshabeh, P., Weber, R. Media and the moral mind: Binding and individualizing moral intuitions elicit distinct cortical activation. 67th Annual meeting of the International Communications Association (ICA-2017), May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, California.
Weber, R., Mangus, J.M., Huskey, R., Amir, O., Swanson, R., Gordon, A., Khooshabeh, P., Hahn, L., & Tamborini, R. Extracting moral foundations from text narratives: Relevance, challenges, and solutions. 67th Annual meeting of the International Communications Association (ICA-2017), May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, California.
Inoue, N. and Gordon, A. (2017) A Scalable Weighted Max-SAT Implementation of Propositional Etcetera Abduction. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of the Florida AI Society (FLAIRS-30), May 22-24, 2017, Marco Island, FL. pdf
Gordon, A. (2017) Solving Interpretation Problems with Etcetera Abduction (Invited talk). Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, May 12-14, 2017, Troy, New York. pdf
Roemmele, M., Kobayashi, S., Inoue, N., and Gordon, A. (2017) An RNN-based Binary Classifier for the Story Cloze Test. Proceedings of Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics, workshop at European Association for Computational Linguistics, Valencia, Spain, April 12, 2017. pdf
Amir, O., Huskey, R., Mangus, J., Swanson, R., Gordon, A., Khooshabeh, P., and Weber, R. (2017) Trump versus Clinton: The Role of Moral Intuition Networks in Processing Political Attack Advertisements (Poster). 10th Annual Meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS-2017), March 16-18, 2017, Los Angeles, CA.
Amir, O., Huskey, R., Mangus, J., Swanson, R., Gordon, A., Khooshabeh, P., and Weber, R. (2017) Moral Intuitions Elicit Dissociable Cortical Activation (Poster). 10th Annual Meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS-2017), March 16-18, 2017, Los Angeles, CA.
Nack, F. and Gordon, A. (eds.) (2016) Interactive Storytelling: 9th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2016, Los Angeles, CA, USA, November 15-18, 2016, Proceedings. Springer International. link
Ahn, E., Morbini, F. and Gordon, A. (2016) Improving Fluency in Narrative Text Generation With Grammatical Transformations and Probabilistic Parsing. Proceedings of the 9th International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG-2016), September 5-8, 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. pdf
Roemmele, M., Morgens, S., Gordon, A., and Morency, L. (2016) Recognizing Human Actions in the Motion Trajectories of Shapes. Proceedings of ACM Intelligent User Interfaces, March 7-10, 2016, Sonoma, CA. pdf
Gordon, A. (2016) Commonsense Interpretation of Triangle Behavior. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16), February 12-17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona. pdf
Kaplan, J., Gimbel, S., Dehghani, M., Immordino-Yang, M., Sagae, K., Wong, J., Tipper, C., Damasio, H., Gordon, A., and Damasio, A. (2016) Processing Narratives Concerning Protected Values: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Neural Correlates. Cerebral Cortex, 2016, 1-11. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhv325
Roemmele, M. and Gordon, A. (2015) Creative Help: A Story Writing Assistant. Eighth International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS-2015), November 30 - December 4, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. pdf
Furbach, U., Gordon, A., and Schon, C. (2015) Tackling Benchmark Problems of Commonsense Reasoning. Workshop on Bridging the Gap between Human and Automated Reasoning, 25th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-25), August 1, 2015, Berlin, Germany. pdf
Wienberg, C. and Gordon, A. (2015) Insights on Privacy and Ethics from the Web's Most Prolific Storytellers. Proceedings of ACM Web Science 2015, June 28 - July 1, 2015, Oxford, UK. pdf
Maslan, N., Roemmele, M., and Gordon, A. (2015) One Hundred Challenge Problems for Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Psychology. Twelfth International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense-2015), March 23-25, 2015, Stanford, CA. pdf
Maslan, N., Roemmele, M., and Gordon, A. (2015) An Integrated Evaluation of Perception, Interpretation, and Narration. Beyond the Turing Test, Workshop at the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), January 25, 2015, Austin, TX. pdf
Gordon, A. and Roemmele, M. (2014) An Authoring Tool for Movies in the Style of Heider and Simmel. In A. Mitchell et al. (Eds.): International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Singapore, November 3-6, 2014 (ICIDS-2014), LNCS 8832, pp. 49--60. Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2014). pdf
Vigil, J., Shumskas-Tait, A., Wienberg, C., and Gordon, A. (2014) Friends You Haven't Met Yet: A Documentary Short Film. ACM Web Science 2014 Conference (WebSci-14), June 23-26, 2014, Bloomington, IN. pdf
Rahimtoroghi, E., Corcoran, T., Swanson, R., Walker, M., Sagae, K., and Gordon, A. (2014) Minimal Narrative Annotation Schemes and Their Applications. The 2014 Intelligent Narrative Technologies Workshop (INT7), June 17-18, 2014, Milwaukee, WI. pdf
Wienberg, C. and Gordon, A. (2014) Privacy Considerations for Public Storytelling. Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, June 2-4, 2014, Ann Arbor, MI. pdf
Gordon, A., Core, M., Kang, S., Wang, C., and Wienberg, C. (2014) Civilian Analogs of Army Tasks: Supporting Pedagogical Storytelling Across Domains. 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, June 23-27, 2014, Boulder, CO. pdf
Hobbs, J., and Gordon, A. (2014) Axiomatizing Complex Concepts from Fundamentals (invited paper). Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2014), April 6-12, 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal. pdf
Koh, S., Gordon, A., Wienberg, C., Sood, S., Morley, S., and Burke, D. (2014) Stroke Experiences in Weblogs: A Feasibility Study of Sex Differences. Journal of Medical Internet Research 16(3):e84. Online version
Roemmele, M., Archer-McClellan, H., and Gordon, A. (2014) Triangle Charades: A Data-Collection Game for Recognizing Actions in Motion Trajectories. 2014 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, February 24-27, 2014, Haifa, Israel. pdf
Ovchinnikova, E., Gordon, A., and Hobbs, J. (2013) Abduction for Discourse Interpretation: A Probabilistic Framework. Joint Symposium on Semantic Processing (JSSP2013), November 20-22, 2013, Trento, Italy. pdf
Gimbel, S., Kaplan, J., Immordino-Yang, M., Tipper, C., Gordon, A., Dehghani, M., Sagae, S., Damasio, H., Damasio, A. (2013) Neural Response to narratives framed with sacred values. Abstract. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 9-13, 2013, San Diego, CA. pdf
Gordon, A., Huangfu, L., Sagae, K., Mao, W., and Chen, W. (2013) Identifying Personal Narratives in Chinese Weblog Posts. The 2013 Intelligent Narrative Technologies Workshop (INT6), October 14-15, 2013, Boston, MA. pdf
Sagae, K., Gordon, A., Dehghani, M., Metke, M., Kim, J., Gimbel, S., Tipper, C., Kaplan, J., and Immordino-Yang, M. (2013) A Data-Driven Approach for Classification of Subjectivity in Personal Narrative. 2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, August 4-6, 2013, Hamburg, Germany. pdf
Gordon, A., Hobbs, J., Ovchinnikova, K., Roemmele, M., and Morency, L. (2013) Abduction of mental states with a formal theory of commonsense psychology. Abstract. Workshop on Mental model ascription by language-enabled intelligent agents, July 31, 2013, Berlin, Germany. pdf
Wienberg, C., Roemmele, M., and Gordon, A. (2013) Content-Based Similarity Measures of Weblog Authors. The 4th Annual ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci-13), May 2-4, 2013, Paris, France. pdf
Swanson, R. and Gordon, A. (2012) Say Anything: Using Textual Case-Based Reasoning to Enable Open-Domain Interactive Storytelling. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems 2(3). info
Wienberg, C. and Gordon, A. (2012) PhotoFall: Discovering Weblog Stories Through Photographs. Proceedings of The 21st ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM-2012), October 29-November 2, 2012, Maui, HI. pdf
Gordon, A., Wienberg, C., and Sood, S. (2012) Different Strokes of Different Folks: Searching for Health Narratives in Weblogs. 2012 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, September 3-5, 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pdf
Gordon, A., Kozareva, Z., and Roemmele, M. (2012) SemEval-2012 Task 7: Choice of Plausible Alternatives: An Evaluation of Commonsense Causal Reasoning. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2012), June 7-8, 2012, Montreal, Canada. pdf
Campbell, A., Wienberg, C., and Gordon, A. (2012) Collecting Relevance Feedback on Titles and Photographs in Weblog Posts. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-12), February 14-17, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. pdf
Hobbs, J. and Gordon, A. (2011) The Deep Lexical Semantics of Emotions. In Khurshid Ahmad (ed) Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis: Emotion, Metaphor and Terminology. Text, Speech and Language Technology Vol 45, New York: Springer, pp. 27-34. pdf
Tomai, E., Thapa, L., Gordon, A., and Kang, S. (2011) Causality in Hundreds of Narratives of the Same Events. The Fourth Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT4), 2011 AI and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE), Stanford, CA, October 10-14, 2011. pdf
Gordon, A., Bejan, C., and Sagae, K. (2011) Commonsense Causal Reasoning Using Millions of Personal Stories. Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11), August 7-11, 2011, San Francisco, CA. pdf
Mulkar-Mehta, R., Gordon, A., Hobbs, J., and Hovy, E. (2011) Causal Markers Across Domains and Genres of Discourse. The Sixth International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2011) June 25-29, 2011, Banff, Alberta, Canada. pdf
Gordon, A., Hobbs, J. and Cox, M. (2011) Anthropomorphic Self-Models for Metareasoning Agents. In M. Cox and A. Raja (Eds.) Metareasoning: Thinking about thinking. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 295-305. info
Roemmele, M., Bejan, C., and Gordon, A. (2011) Choice of Plausible Alternatives: An Evaluation of Commonsense Causal Reasoning. AAAI Spring Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Stanford University, March 21-23, 2011. pdf
Gordon, A. and Hobbs, J. (2011) A Commonsense Theory of Mind-Body Interaction. AAAI Spring Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Stanford University, March 21-23, 2011. pdf
Wansbury, T., Hart, J., Gordon, A., and Wilkinson, J. (2010) UrbanSim: Training Adaptable Leaders in the Art of Battle Command. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 29 - December 2, 2010. pdf
Swanson, R. and Gordon, A. (2010) A Data-Driven Case-Based Reasoning Approach to Interactive Storytelling. The Third International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 2010), Edinburgh, UK, November 1-3, 2010. pdf
Gordon, A. (2010) Mining Commonsense Knowledge From Personal Stories in Internet Weblogs. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction, Grenoble, France, May 17-19, 2010. pdf
Gerber, M., Gordon, A., and Sagae, K. (2010) Open-domain Commonsense Reasoning Using Discourse Relations from a Corpus of Weblog Stories. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading (FAM-LbR) NAACL 2010 Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, June 6, 2010. pdf
Hobbs, J. and Gordon, A. (2010) Goals in a Formal Theory of Commonsense Psychology. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS-2010), Toronto, Canada, May 11-14, 2010. pdf
Swanson, R. and Gordon, A. (2009) Say Anything: A Demonstration of Open Domain Interactive Digital Storytelling. 2009 International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS-09), Guimarães, Portugal, December 9-11, 2009. pdf
Sagae, K. and Gordon, A. (2009) Clustering Words by Syntactic Similarity Improves Dependency Parsing of Predicate-Argument Structures. International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT-09), Paris, France, October 7-9, 2009. pdf
McAlinden, R., Gordon, A., Lane, H. C., and Pynadath, D. (2009) UrbanSim: A Game-based Simulation for Counterinsurgency and Stability-focused Operations. Workshop on Intelligent Educational Games, 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Brighton, England, July 7, 2009. pdf
Gordon, A. and Swanson, R. (2009) Identifying Personal Stories in Millions of Weblog Entries. Third International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Data Challenge Workshop, San Jose, CA, May 20, 2009. pdf
Swanson, R. and Gordon, A. (2009) Open Domain Collaborative Storytelling With Say Anything. Third International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, San Jose, CA, May 17-20, 2009. pdf
Swanson, R. and Gordon, A. (2009) A Comparison of Retrieval Models for Open Domain Story Generation. AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium on Intelligent Narrative Technologies II, Stanford, CA, March 23-25, 2009. pdf
Gordon, A. (2009) Story-Based Learning Environments. In Nicholson, D., Schmorrow, D., & Cohn, J. (eds.) The PSI Handbook of Virtual Environments for Training and Education: Developments for the Military and Beyond, Volume 2: Components and Training Technologies. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International. info pdf
McAlinden, R., Durlach, P., Lane, H., Gordon, A., and Hart, J. (2008) UrbanSim: A game-based instructional package for conducting counterinsurgency operations. Proceedings of the 26th Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December 1-4, 2008. pdf
Swanson, R. and Gordon, A. (2008) Say Anything: A Massively Collaborative Open Domain Story Writing Companion. First International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Erfurt, Germany, November 26-29, 2008. pdf
Gordon, A. (2008) Story Management Technologies for Organizational Learning. International Conference on Knowledge Management, Special Track on Intelligent Assistance for Self-Directed and Organizational Learning, Graz, Austria, September 3-5, 2008. pdf
Gordon, A. and Swanson, R. (2008) Envisioning With Weblogs. International Conference on New Media Technology, Special Track on Knowledge Acquisition From the Social Web, Graz, Austria. September 3-5, 2008. pdf
Gordon, A., Hobbs, J. and Cox, M. (2008) Anthropomorphic self-models for metareasoning agents. AAAI Workshop on Metareasoning: Thinking about thinking. July 13-14, 2008, Chicago, IL. pdf
Hobbs, J. and Gordon, A. (2008) The Deep Lexical Semantics of Emotions. Workshop on Sentiment Analysis: Emotion, Metaphor, Ontology and Terminology (EMOT-08), 6th International conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-08), Marrakech, Morocco, May 27, 2008. pdf
Manshadi, M., Swanson, R., and Gordon, A. (2008) Learning a Probabilistic Model of Event Sequences From Internet Weblog Stories. Twenty-first International Conference of the Florida AI Society, Applied Natural Language Processing track, May 15-17, 2008, Coconut Grove, FL. pdf
Gordon, A. and Swanson. R. (2008) StoryUpgrade: Finding Stories in Internet Weblogs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, March 31-April 2, 2008, Seattle, WA. pdf
Swanson, R., Chew, E., and Gordon, A. (2008) Supporting Musical Creativity With Unsupervised Syntactic Parsing. Creative Intelligent Systems, AAAI Spring Symposium Series, March 26-28, 2008, Stanford University. pdf
Gordon, A., Havasi, C., Lux, M., and Strohmaier, M. (2008) Common Sense and Goal-Oriented Interfaces. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. January 13-16, 2008, Canary Islands, Spain. pdf workshop
Gordon, A., Cao, Q., and Swanson, R. (2007) Automated Story Capture From Internet Weblogs. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Capture, October 28-31, 2007, Whistler, BC. pdf
Gordon, A. and Swanson, R. (2007) Generalizing semantic role annotations across syntactically similar verbs. Proceedings of the 2007 meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-07), Prague, Czech Republic, June 23-30, 2007. pdf
Hill, R., Kim, J., Gordon, A., Traum, D., Gandhe, S., King, S., Lavis, S., Rocher, S., and Zbylut, M. (2006) AXL.Net: Web-enabled Case Method Instruction for Accelerating Tacit Knowledge Acquisition in Leaders. Proceedings of the 25th Army Science Conference, November 27-30, 2006, Orlando, FL. pdf
Gordon, A. (2006) Fourth Frame Forums: Interactive Comics for Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2006), October 23-27, Santa Barbara, CA. pdf
Gordon, A. and Swanson, R. (2006) Integrating logical inference into statistical text classification applications. Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Integrating Logical Reasoning into Everyday Applications, Oct 13-15, 2006, Washington, DC. pdf
Gordon, A. (2006) Language evidence for changes in a Theory of Mind. In M. Arbib (ed) Action to Language via the Mirror Neuron System. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. info
Swanson, R. and Gordon, A. (2006) A Comparison of Alternative Parse Tree Paths for Labeling Semantic Roles. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics and the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING/ACL 2006). Sydney, Australia, July 17-21, 2006. pdf
Gandhe, S., Gordon, A., and Traum, D. (2006) Improving question-answering with linking dialogues. 2006 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Sydney, Australia, Jan 29 - Feb 1, 2006. pdf
Gordon, A. (2005) The Fictionalization of Lessons Learned. Guest Editorial for Media Impact Column, IEEE Multimedia 12(4):12-14. pdf
Gordon, A. and Ganesan, K. (2005) Automated Story Extraction From Conversational Speech. Third International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 05), October 2-5, Banff, Canada. pdf
Gordon, A. (2005) Commonsense Psychology and the Functional Requirements of Cognitive Models. Proceedings of the 2005 AAAI Workshop on Modular Construction of Human-like Intelligence, July 10, 2005, Pittsburgh, PA. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press. pdf
Hobbs, J. and Gordon, A. (2005) Encoding Knowledge of Commonsense Psychology. 7th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning. May 22-24, 2005, Corfu, Greece. pdf
Hobbs, J. and Gordon, A. (2005) Toward a Large-Scale Formal Theory of Commonsense Psychology for Metacognition. 2005 AAAI Spring Symposium on Metacognitive Computing. March 21-23, Stanford, CA. pdf
Swanson, R. and Gordon, A. (2005) Automated Commonsense Reasoning About Human Memory. 2005 AAAI Spring Symposium on Metacognitive Computing. March 21-23, Stanford, CA. pdf
Gordon, A. and Hobbs, J. (2004) Formalizations of Commonsense Psychology. AI Magazine 25(4):49-62. pdf
Hill, R., Gordon, A., and Kim, J. (2004) Learning the lessons of leadership experience: Tools for interactive case method analysis. Proceedings of the 24th Army Science Conference, Orlando Florida. pdf
Gandhe, S., Gordon, A., Leuski, A., Traum, D., and Oard, D. (2004) First steps toward linking dialogues: Mediating between free-text questions and pre-recorded video answers. Proceedings of the 24th Army Science Conference, Orlando Florida. pdf
Iuppa, N., Weltman, G. and Gordon, A. (2004) Bringing Hollywood Storytelling Techniques to Branching Storylines for Training Applications, Proceedings of the Third International Conference for Narrative and Interactive Learning Environments. August 10-13, 2004. Edinburgh, Scotland. pdf
Gordon, A. and Nair, A. (2004) Expressions Related to Knowledge and Belief in Children's Speech. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci-2004), August 5-7, Chicago. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pdf
Gordon, A., van Lent, M., van Velsen, M., Carpenter, M., and Jhala, A. (2004) Branching Storylines in Virtual Reality Environments for Leadership Development. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI-04), July 25-29, San Jose, CA. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press. pdf
Gordon, A. (2004) Authoring Branching Storylines for Training Applications. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS-04). Santa Monica, CA, June 22-26. pdf
Gordon, A. (2004) Tough Love Between Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Entertainment (Invited talk). Proceedings of IE2004: Australian Workshop on Interactive Entertainment, Feb 13, 2004, University of Technology, Sydney. pdf
Gordon, A. (2004) The Representation of Planning Strategies. Artificial Intelligence 153:287-305. Journal homepage pdf
Gordon, A. (2004) Strategy Representation: An Analysis of Planning Knowledge. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. info
Gordon, A. and Nair, A. (2003) Literary Evidence for the Cultural Development of a Theory of Mind. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci-2003). July 31-Aug 2, Boston, MA. pdf
Gordon, A., Kazemzadeh, A., Nair, A., and Petrova, M. (2003) Recognizing Expressions of Commonsense Psychology in English Text. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2003) Sapporo, Japan, July 7-12, 2003. pdf
Hill, R., Douglas, J., Gordon, A., Pighin, F., and van Velsen, M. (2003) Guided Conversations about Leadership: Mentoring with Movies and Interactive Characters. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI-03) August 12-14, 2003, Acapulco, Mexico. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press. pdf
Gordon, A. and Hobbs, J. (2003) Coverage and Competency in Formal Theories: A Commonsense Theory of Memory. Proceedings of the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Stanford University, March 24-26, 2003. pdf
Gordon, A. and Iuppa, N. (2003) Experience Management Using Storyline Adaptation Strategies. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Technologies for Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, Darmstadt, Germany, March 24-26, 2003. pdf
Gordon, A. (2002) The Theory of Mind in Strategy Representations. Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci-2002), George Mason University, Aug 7-10. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pdf
Gordon, A. (2002) Enabling and recognizing strategic play in strategy games: Lessons from Sun Tzu. The 2002 AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Entertainment, Stanford University, March 25-27, 2002. pdf
Gordon, A. and Van Lent, M. (2002) Virtual Humans as Participants vs. Virtual Humans as Actors. The 2002 AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Entertainment, Stanford University, March 25-27, 2002. pdf
Gordon, A. (2001) Browsing Image Collections with Representations of Commonsense Activities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52(11):925-929. pdf
Gordon, A. (2001) Strategies in Analogous Planning Cases. In J. Moore & K. Stenning (eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, University of Edinburgh, August 1-4, 2001. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pdf
Gordon, A. (2001) The Representational Requirements of Strategic Planning. Fifth symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, New York University, May 20-22, 2001. pdf
Gordon, A. (2001) Playing Chess with Machiavelli: Improving Interactive Entertainment with Explicit Strategies. The 2001 AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Entertainment, Stanford University, March 26-28, 2001. pdf
Gordon, A. (2000) Using Annotated Video as an Information Retrieval Interface. 2000 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, New Orleans, LA, January 9-12, 2000. pdf
Gordon, A. (1999) The Design of Knowledge-rich Browsing Interfaces for Retrieval in Digital Libraries. Northwestern University Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Computer Science. pdf
Gordon, A. and Domeshek, E. (1998) Deja Vu: A Knowledge-Rich Interface for Retrieval in Digital Libraries. 1998 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, San Francisco, CA, January 6-9, 1998. pdf
Domeshek, E., Kedar, S., and Gordon, A. (1996) Interactive Information Retrieval Systems with Minimalist Representation AAAI-96: Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Portland, OR. pdf
Gordon, A., Kedar, S., and Domeshek, E. (1996) Interfaces for Managing Access to a Video Archive. CHI-96: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vancouver, BC. pdf
Gordon, A., and Domeshek, E. (1995) Retrieval Interfaces for Video Databases. In Burke, R. (chair) AI Applications in Knowledge Navigation and Retrieval, Working notes of the AAAI-95 Fall Symposium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, November 10-12, 1995. pdf
Domeshek, E., and Gordon, A. (1995). Structuring Indexing for Video. In IMMI-95, First International Workshop on Intelligence and Multimodality in Multimedia Interfaces: Research and Applications. University of Edinburgh. pdf
Gordon, A. (1995) Automated Video Assessment of Human Performance In J. Greer (ed) Proceedings of AI-ED 95 - World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Washington, DC; August 16-19, 1995. Charlottesville, VA: AACE Press. pp. 541-546. pdf
Gordon, A., and Domeshek, E. (1995) Conceptual Indexing for Video Retrieval. In Maybury, M. (chair) Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval, Working notes of the IJCAI-95 Workshop, Montreal, Quebec, August 19, 1995. pdf